Many people living in the Amazon Rain-Forest live on floating houses. When the rainy season comes, the houses simply rise with the waters. However, many people also live on land. These people built their houses on stilts, so when the water rises it goes just up to their front door! These people often also have large plantations!

Grown in the plantations, there are 3 main things;

  • Pine-apple.
  • Mandioca.
  • Tapioca.


Pine-apple is grown commonly across many parts along the Rio Negro, one of the Rivers along the Amazon. This is because the same plants reproduce for up to 50 years, the weather is perfect for them, and basically nothing has to be one. They can get watered when it rains, it can grow through weeds…! All you really would have to do it “pluck” the pine-apple when it’s ready to eat!


Mandioca is a commonly-eaten and very-healthy root. They can be made into flours, breads, cakes, candies, soups, juices, soups, alcohols, stews, and many other things! They are grown commonly in almost every plantation! This is because you can turn one plant into 100! During the plant season, all you’d have to do it cut chunks of the stem about 1 finger long and shove it into the ground, then water it! It’ll turn into a whole new mandioca plant!


Tapioca is a root very similar to mandioca… except it’s poisonous when it’s just the root! To make it edible, people have to dry it out and sieve it! After, it’s commonly eaten in cakes, rolls, or substitutes to rice!

Other things grown in Amazon plantations;

  • Bananas.
  • Chile.
  • Lemon grass.
  • Sugar-cane.

With all the things people grow in plantations, they sell some and they keep the rest for their family!

Thanks for reading!

One response to “Plantations In The Amazon Rain-Forest:”

  1. wow, I think that’s amazing…. but, I’d rather have pineapple, wouldn’t you? (Mandioca’s not the good, neither’s tapioca)


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