Because the Amazon Rain-Forest is the biggest rain-forest in the world, the people living there can eat many more things. A much bigger diversity. This means they are much healthier then other people! Some of the things they eat are considered “quite disgusting” to other people!


Like all people living on the Amazon, fish is a big part of their diets. They eat many types, but the most common are;

  • Sting-ray.
  • Catfish.
  • Piranha.
  • Eels.
  • Tambaqui.
  • And many others.

They also eat other animals from the river like;

  • Crocodiles.
  • Caiman.
  • Alligators.
  • Freshwater dolphins.
  • Crabs.
  • Mussels.

They hunt these fish using mainly hand-made nets and hand-made spears.


Fruit is also a huge part of their diet. Fruit and fish. They eat many different kinds of tropical fruit, most of which city people have never even tried, let alone tasted! Here are just a few of the many thousands;

  • Acai berries.
  • Camu-Camu fruit.
  • Passion fruits.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Oranges.
  • Cupuacu fruit.
  • Aguaje.
  • Coconuts.
  • Lemons.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Bananas.
  • Pine-apples.
  • Mangoes.
  • Avocados.
  • Cashew-fruits.
  • Bacaba fruit.
  • Horned melon.
  • Starfruit.
  • Dragon-fruit.
  • Papaya.
  • Cocoa.
  • Cocona fruit.
  • Sacha Inchi.
  • Pacay.

Those are just some of the fruits they eat! Of course, they eat many more! There are many “wild” fruits that grow deep in the Amazon that only the tribes know about… the city people don’t even know they exist! Sometimes they cook the food, like cocoa, bananas or others fruits, but most of the time they eat ’em raw!


Grains make up almost none of the average Amazonian tribe-diet. The only real grain that grows there is maize. Often, they grind it using stones, and they mix it with water. They then cook it over fires to make a sort of bread. However, this isn’t often done!


Though these people eats a lot of vegetables, most of them grow in the ground. In fact, the only ones grown not in the ground are beans and squashes. This is due to the fact the rain-forest they live in is crowded and humid. Not very good growing conditions to certain plants!
Root veggies they grow include;

  • Sweet potato.
  • Mandioca.
  • Yams.
  • Wild carrot.
  • Tapioca.
  • And many others!

With things like Tapioca, which is poisonous wet, are normally baked into little cakes and eaten. Sweet potatoes, yams and mandioca are more normally baked whole, although they do mixed powdered and dried mandioca-flour to form little “breads”.


Though they eat more fish then meat, the Amazon-people do eat a lot of meat! Some of the meats they eat include;

  • Wild pigs.
  • Monkeys.
  • Orangutans.
  • Tapirs’.
  • Jaguars.
  • Sloths.
  • Armadillos.
  • Ocelots.
  • Snakes, (of many kinds).
  • Tarantulas.
  • Deer.
  • Ants, (and many other types of insects).
  • Grubs.
  • Otters.
  • Scorpions.
  • Edible frogs.
  • Turtles.
  • Dusky-legged guans.
  • Macaws, (of all types; they were mostly hunted for their feathers, but the meat was still eaten).
  • Many others birds.

They eat these meats by roasting them over fires. To hunt the meat, they often use traps and poison-darts. The traps, they make by using string and sticks. They most often catch guans and wild pigs this way. The poison darts; they use them for deer, macaws, jaguars, monkeys, and many others types of animals. They get the poison from the poison-dart-frogs that roam the forest. They must let the animals they catch bleed out, to rid of all the poison, before they eat them!


They eat many other things that grow in the forest that they commonly eat! Things like spices, nuts, flavorings and other things! Here are just a few:

  • Bixa orellana, (used to flavor food and for paint).
  • Black peppercorns.
  • Mustard seeds.
  • Vanilla.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Brazil nuts.
  • Cashew nuts.
  • Chia seeds.
  • Paprika.

They use these to flavor foods, as paints, put in their “breads”, or simply eat them as snacks!

Well! That is the diet of the normally native Amazonian person!

Thanks for reading!

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