Living on the Amazon River and the Rio Negro, or alongside those two rivers, a lot of people live! Some live in floating houses, others on the land! However, the children there have their own lives to live, and their own ways of having fun!


Some children go to school. Some don’t. Most of the adults send their children to school, because they earn 200$ a month from doing this! The children go by canoes, or take them called a “school boat” to the schools. Most of the schools are on the water; floating schools! Some kids don’t go to school. This is because they don’t want to, or they are too far away from the nearest school. These people learn things from their parents at home.

Children’s Work:

Children on the water don’t do a lot of work. The older children might do some fishing, cleaning or cooking now-and-then, but they don’t really have a lot. On land, they have more. Things like tending to plantations, tending to animals, and going and harvesting things from the wild are all things the children normally do.

Land-Life For Children:

On land, the Amazonian Children can do many of the things and play many of the games city children do. Their lives, however, are more natural. They are healthier and stronger then other children.

Water-Life For Children:

Life for children on the water can be boring. Parents might buy their children small toys when they go to the biggest city, Manaus, to buy or sell things, but often things are too expensive. The children must make things themselves, or else invent other games.


Everyone on the Amazon learns to swim. In fact, children learn to swim at just 2 years old! They spend a lot of their free time swimming! This is for 2 reasons; they have nothing else to do and it’s there, and also because it’s so hot!


Because they are very far out from other people normally, children don’t really have many friends. This means they spend a lot more time with their siblings!

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