These are some of the most common-dangerous fruits in the world, some of which can kill!

4. Yew Berries.
This berries are perfectly edible… if the seeds aren’t consumed. If the tiny little black-brown seeds inside are opened, they spew forth deadly poisons. These can kill. Some birds and animals can carefully eat the plants, making sure they don’t break open the seeds, and swallowing them whole. The seeds then pass through their digestive system, not broken open in the slightest! But, this can’t happen to humans. The acids in our bodies with dissolve the poisons, and kill us!

3. Elderberries.
The elderberries, if harvested when ripe and correctly processed, can be a healthy, tasty food. But only the berries.
The rest of the plants – the leaves, stems, branches, roots – are poisonous. They can cause anything between vomiting, to coma and death, if consumed, depending on the amount you eat, but even a little bit of leaves or stems has been known to kill!

2. Pangium Edule Fruit.
This rather strange fruit is actually deadly when consumed.
If prepared well, in fancy kitchens and restaurants, they can be edible, but trying to prepare it is as dangerous as trying to prepare a pufferfish. If the deadly seeds, filled with toxic liquids, are pierced at all, then poison spreads through the fruit.
Once a small amount enters the body, there’s no going back. It causes almost instant death.
But this hasn’t stop humans; some people are beginning to use the deadly poisons to trick and poison invading rats! How smart!

1. Manchineel Fruit.
These common little berry-like fruits, found in the Caribbean, are often called “Apples Of Death”. These common fruits have rightly earned their name, as every part of them is incredibly dangerous!
If the milky-white saps leaches from their branches and onto your skin, it can cause instant bleeding, blistering and scars, and even “burn” the skin.
If the tree is burnt in a fire, it’s poisonous fumes seep into the air, and can cause instant blindness, or death.
Even one tiny bite of the apple-like berry-fruits can cause permanent body damage or, more commonly, instant death!

Thanks for reading! (And avoid those fruits!)

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