500 years ago, the Incas living in the mountains in Argentina sacrificed their children – certain children – to their Gods.

This tradition happened way up in the mountains. The Incas there had a huge feast prepared; soon there would be a sacrifice.

Everyone feasted with food, nice clothing, and hand-made music. Then, the “sacrifices” would be selected. The children selected must be perfect. They must look pretty, and not have any bad or ugly things about them. If they were missing a tooth, or had a cracked nail, they were disqualified. Also, they must be the sons or daughters of important people.

Once a few children, usually two or three, were selected, the Incas dressed them in their very best clothing. It is likely the children didn’t know what they were in for before the sacrifice.

Then, the children were given a sort of corn mead; a type of alcohol. This put them into a long, deep sleep.

The Incas then placed them into a big, several meter-deep hole in the rocky mountain-side that they had dug beforehand. With them, they buried hundreds of small, precious artifacts. They covered them up. The children soon died; “sacrificed”.

They remained preserved and frozen under the rocky ground for 500 or so years. Today, people dug them up, and put them in a museum. Three famous ones that are frozen were young; a 6-year-old girl, nicknamed “Lightning Girl”, a 7-year-old boy nicknamed “The Boy”, and a 15-year-old girl, nicknamed “The Maiden”.

I bet you wouldn’t want to be a “perfect looking child” in the day of the Incas and their sacrifices… you might just become the sacrifice to a God!

Thanks for reading!

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