Ju-Juy is a small city, way up North in the country of Argentina. It is a hot place, covered in many grasslands and terrains, covered with cactus’s.

In the middle of one of these grasslands in Ju-Juy, there is a big saltlake, several kilometers wide and long.

It is large, and white, underneath the layers of thick salt; mud and rock.

But where did these salt crystals come from, so far from the wide oceans? And how is there so much salt?

5-10 million years ago, a volcano near to the saltlakes exploded, and, deep underneath the earth, salt crystals arose, and formed this massive lake. So wide, and massive.

It is so large, that, when you’re in the middle, you cannot even see the other side. All of this, from the volcano.

The salt all across the lake, for some reason, created hexagon shapes! Why? People think it’s because of the way the liquid evaporates from the salt, making these fascinating shapes!

In some parts, people dig large pools, and harvest as much as 18 tons from these pools, around 3 meters long and one foot wide, per years. This salt is sold, and treasured; salt directly from the saltlakes of Ju-Juy!

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