Why should people learn Internet safety? After all, the Internet seems like a sort of safe place!

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You can do many things on the Internet. Many people use it to play video-games, (which you shouldn’t waste your time on), but many others – smarter people – use it for work, or study.

So… why should you learn:

Why should you?

Well, the Internet is not a safe place. Many people earn their living by going to those idiots who don’t put good, strong passwords on, or use too many of the same passwords for different accounts, and those people rob them! They rob them of money, from accounts. Or perhaps they use the same resources, or even write stupid things about people on their own accounts!

But what is Internet safety?

It’s just where you learn how to be safer around internet. Don’t trust random people on the Internet. Never give the pin number of your bank account to anyone. Make strong, difficult-to-guess passwords.

If you do all those, the Internet will be a much safer place for you, and everyone else – if they learn how as well!

Thanks for reading!

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