Before you learn how to do Order Of Operations in math, first you need to learn what BEDMAS means, and how it goes with the Order Of Operations!

BEDMAS goes like this:

B: brackets. {}[]()

E: Exponents.

D: Division.

M: Multiplication. x

A: Addition. +

S: Subtraction. –

When doing order of operations, it usually goes like this: 1+(6×2[-5])-2=__?

So in an example like that, you’d first start by doing the brackets. Double brackets are more important, so you’d start by doing 6×2, which is 12. Then, -5, which is 7. Then, it’s 1+ all those, which is 8. Finally, you do the last -2.

That final answer is 6!

So, you do brackets before exponents, and multiplication and division before subtraction and addition. But multiplication and division just work whichever comes first, and the same goes for subtraction and addition!

Now, in the next blog, I’ll write about how to do Order Of Operations!

Thanks for reading!

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