You may be thinking: what is the point about learning about Internet Safety. After all, there’s not so much that people can do to you Online, right?

What Is The Worst That They Can Do?

Well, first, they can make you look like a stupid idiot, if they get your account details, and are able to login to your profile.

For example, let’s say you had an account in WordPress, a place where you write essays, and post them to the world. If someone got your account details, perhaps they’d write something like this to make you look dumb:

“I am a stupid, idiotic person. I can’t even tell what 1+1 is. I also think I’m the most special person on the planet, and I hope everyone else but me dies! That’s my secret wish! My name is really Dumb-Brat-That-Is-Too-Dumb-To-Realize-Things-In-The-World, but no-one calls me by that. My smaller name is just Dummy! I hope no-one reads this blog, because, well, I don’t want people to start calling me Dummy!”

So people can make you look dumb, but even worse, they can steal all the money you own! If you let slip your bank account password, or it’s so easy that they can guess it, they can take all your money. Perhaps it’s thousands of dollars you’ve saved to buy a car, or hundreds of thousands you’ve saved to buy a farm or a house, or perhaps even millions that you’ve been saving all your life!

That is why you should be careful with your money, and learn Internet Safety!

Thanks for reading!

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