Now that you know what the basic rules of BEDMAS are in Math, you’ll know mostly how to do Order Of Operations.

Remember; it goes in order. Do brackets first. Then exponents. Then multiply or divide (whichever comes first), and then add or subtract.

Now, let’s use some examples to see if you really know!

8 + {4 x 7} – 9 + 3 x 2 = ___?

Well! That’s a long, complicated math question, with many different things, including brackets, addition, multiplication, and addition!

First, let’s start with the brackets. 4 x 7. That’s… (let’s think, even though it’s rather easy)… and the answer is 28!

OK, and then we have 8 + 28. That is… 36. 36 is our current number.

Then, we have a subtraction. – 9.

36 – 9 is 27. So, now, our current number is 27!

And then we have the last few numbers: + 3 x 2. Remember, we do multiplication before addiction, so we’ll do 3 x 2 before we do the +.

3 x 2 is 6. Easy enough. Now, we’ll do the addition and add that on to our previous number from before: 27.

27 + 6 = 33. So, the final answer to that question at the beginning is 33!

8 + {4 x 7} – 9 + 3 x 2 = 33!

And that’s how you do Order Of Operations!

Thanks for reading!

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