These days, people need to create more and more strong passwords… but why?

Have you ever tried to login into a new app or account, or bank or anything and it says:

“Too weak of a password, must include exclamation mark, upper and lower letters, and numbers.”?

These passwords:


Have now turned to these passwords:


Have you ever wondered why?

People have been sneakier these days. Strong passwords is needed, because easy-to-guess passwords are common. People just use silly passwords, like 1234 instead of strong ones, like 1@34789Liy.@000, which would be like nearly impossible to guess!

That’s why you shouldn’t have easy passwords!

Here are some fun password facts:

81% of all the online robberies in the world are due to terrible passwords.

123456 is the most common password in the world.

60% of the people in the world have one simple password for every device, site and account.

So, create a stronger password!

Thanks for reading!

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