Some people are lazy. They create the simplest to remember and guess passwords, and place them on multiple devices. It’s as if they don’t have a care in the world. As if they were saying;

“Please, Online Robbers, take my money!”

Difficult passwords should contain a bit of punctuation marks, like periods – . – exclamation marks – ! – questions marks – ? – commas – , – funny a’s – @ – little stars – *** – and other things of the sorts.

Difficult passwords should also have numbers, but not just simple ones like 123, or 111, or 333. Ones like 687, or 924, or 683. Those are hard to guess!

Difficult passwords should also have letters. Upper and lower case. They could be random letters – like adhtwwsjtoqmadutuwoqlalamnchid – or names, like Joe, Doodle, Daddy, and Lila. Or pets name, like Doggy, DOG, and so on! Remember, don’t make your password with just names!

Finally, mix all those letters, number and punctuation marks together to make the most difficult password EVER!

Say a person names Bue owns a dog named Huy. Bue makes his password:

Bue+Huy!hfhf$$$%!KIKIKI!12387555!^^^777!187! 11111!

That would be a nearly impossible password to guess, but also not a realistic one. Imagine trying to type in Bue+Huy!hfhf$$$%!KIKIKI!12387555!^^^777!187! 11111! every single time you open up your phone or PC!

So, make a password easier to remember, like:


That would be a better password!

Thanks for reading!

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