Have you ever had the problem where you get worried someone might sneak into your bank account, and steal all your money?

So, quickly, you go and change your password, to a new one, in case anyone knew before.

And then… the next time you try and got o your account, you’re completely stumped. You forgot your password!

Has that ever happened?

Well, if not to you, it’s happened to thousands – billions – of other people in the world. They simply forget their password. There’s nothing more to it.

But… how do you create a password that you won’t forget? One that will be nearly impossible for a random stranger trying to steal your money to guess, but easy for you to remember?

Well, like I wrote in my last blogs, one way is to include the name of yourself, a relative, or a pet. Not the whole password – that would be too easy for guessers – but just a part.

Then, add numbers and other random letters, upper and lowercase. The numbers could be the year you were born, or a sibling was born, or so on.

And then some extras, like 101 or Pass or !!!, just to make sure it’s harder for the guesser to guess!

Here could be a good example. Say your name is Utla, and you are creating a new password. Your password could be like this:


It uses the name – Utla – and then all of those examples – Pass, 101, and !!! -. And also a little hyphen, just to separate the things. And, also, the dates of birth – 1981.

It would be hard for someone to guess that password, but, if you think about it hard, it would be pretty easy for you to remember!

Thanks for reading!

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