The world nowdays is full of Internet, devices, and new technology that only just came out perhaps a few days ago.

Wifi – it’s just everyday now. To survive in a big city, you just need it. There’s no choice. No really decision. You need it.

But, Wifi is dangerous sometimes. Especially free Wifi, which is much more dangerous! And this is how!

Your own Wifi in a house itself isn’t so dangerous. People online could still steal money and things, but nothing so bad.

But, in a restaurant, cafeteria, store, or any other place where it would say; Free Wifi here, then you need to be quite careful!

It’s not too bad if you’re just researching a simple thing, perhaps a nice place to go to, or a nice restaurant to eat out at, but, if you’re trying to pay a bill, and you’re typing in passwords… that’s where it gets dangerous.

But why?

Well, robbers who might own the store and/or keep track of all the Wifi might have a system on the Wifi. That tracks what people do on the Wifi.

If they research Best Restaurants To Eat At, then the trackers and robbers likely won’t be able to get anything good out of it. Buuut, if you’re writing: Login in to credit-card account:

Username: Hyhyhy123421,

Password: 321456753.

Then, things would likely get quite dangerous! The people know the Username and the password to your credit-card account!

So that’s how it can get dangerous. Because people can track what you do on the Wifi! And that’s a dangerous thing, in this day-and-age!

Thanks for reading!

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