If you always have problems remembering hard passwords, like:


And you always have trouble with passwords like 1234, because people are always breaking into your phone, and stealing your money, then you may want to consider fingerprints to be your new login to your phone, computer, or tablet.

Fingerprints are easily done; you just press your finger against the little sign on the phone, and it unlocks your phone.

But it has to be the right finger, and you have to remember, but it still can be pretty useful! No real remembering complicated passwords; no worrying people will figure them out; easy and quick access; no-one can login but you… what’s to go wrong?

Well, while it can sometimes be used, and it’s not always a bad idea to use it, sometimes you may want to think about the consequences of it.

Here are a few reasons why it’s not the best way to protect your device:

The first is it may not always work. The fingerprint unlock must have your finger on in the exact way, or else it won’t unlock. And while most of the time it won’t, sometimes it may even forget about your fingerprint at all, leaving you locked out of your phone!

Or, if someone else in your family needs to get on your phone if it’s an emergency, then they need your fingerprint to enter.

Or, what if you cut your finger off? You’ll never be able to enter your phone! While most people don’t cut their fingers off all the time, even a small cut on your finger will prevent you from logging in for days or weeks.

So the best way it to perhaps have a single, simple pin, like 8237, or 0936, or 1537, or something of the sort, as well as a fingerprint; only one needs to be used to unlock your phone!

Thanks for reading!

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