No primates are venomous, nor poisonous. Right?

Well, that’s true about most of the primates in this world, but it’s quite different for one little furry animal; The Slow Loris!

The Slow Loris lives in parts of Asia, and Africa. Lately, however, it has become rather endangered, and is becoming more and more rare. The reason for that is illegal hunting and poaching, and trapping to be kept as pets.

Slow Lorises are tree dwellers, and nocturnal as well, like a mixture between monkeys and possums.

In the wild, they eat a simple diet of fruit, nectar, tree sap and insects. Nothing harmful. But they are strange because they are the only primates, and one of the few mammals, that defends itself with venom!

In it’s skin, it produces sticky venom when, mixed with it’s saliva, can produce a very dangerous goo that can kill within just a few hours.

It’s dangerous to humans. Very much so. Their venom causes problems with the heart and swelling, as well as blockage of the respiratory system; often ending up in death with whoever is bitten!

Because of that, it’s smart to stay away from the dangerous Slow Loris, and it’s slimy venom!

Thanks for reading!

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