Toads and frogs do seem like simple, not dangerous animals. Sure, poison dart frogs, with their bright colors of red, blue and yellow, are obviously dangerous!

But what about a small, bumpy-brown toad? Well, you might not think they are dangerous, but these toads truly are!

Living in different parts of Asia, these toads, known as Common Asian Toads, are horrors of the world.

They live in wet areas, by ponds, normally by forests. They are usually harmless animals, hunting small animals like insects and spiders, and small fish.

But it’s their skin that’s dangerous. Near there head, there are poison glands, which ooze dangerous poisons from the toad’s flesh.

When touched by a predator, the toxins are released. They are very dangerous, and kill within a matter of hours.

Humans have no antidotes for those poisons, but people are studying them. It’s proved that, perhaps, they can use to cure some diseases humans can get, like cancer. Could these toads be useful after all?

These toads, however, aren’t leaving the planet soon. They breed so rapidly in ponds, and so few animals are able to consume the poison, that soon, these dangerous toads might take over the entire world!

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