Untouchables were those people in areas like India who, thousands of years ago, were treated like scum.

As an untouchable, you would be like at the bottom of the line. The least worthy of anything; the most disgusting creature. Almost not even human.

Unfortunately, the untouchable times went on for thousands of years, and are still partly going on today.

But what life like for an untouchable in medieval times? Was it that bad?

Untouchables were, as their name suggests, not able to be touched by anyone else. If you touched them, you became untouchable too, or at the least, very, very dirty.

No one could make friends with an untouchable. If you were one, you had to make friends with other untouchable, or have none at all.

If you were a child, then you’d have to work to survive. Few untouchable children ever got the chance for a good education. And those that were educated were taught in filthy rooms or outside, and taught only the work and rules of an untouchable. Most people thought it would be useless to teach such people useful things, when their lives were spent cleaning.

Many of the streets in that time were filthy. And the untouchables were those who did all that work.

They cleaned up bodies of dead animals, cleaned up animal dung, and cleaned up garbage, as well as cleaning out sewers; all those were nasty jobs.

But the untouchables were seen as “impure and unworthy” of the other people. They could not do anything they pleased.

It was a terrible time to be an untouchable.

Thanks for reading!

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