Viruses in real life are much more deadly than viruses in computers, but they work in a very similar way.

Viruses in our body slowly enter the body in a sneaky way, so that we humans rarely notice it until it’s too late. Then, it takes over the entire body, and controls it, making you very sick. Sometimes, your body is able to fight the virus off, but other times it can kill the infected person.

Viruses on computers aren’t much different. They enter the computer secretly, although they are controlled by a hacker somewhere else, and once they are “accepted” by the person by accident, or a tab is opened, they take control of the entire computer. Sometimes, the owners of that browser are able to rid of the virus, but at other times, it’s able to destroy the entire computer.

Viruses appear on the computer usually when a tab is opened that has viruses on it. Sometimes, Google or another browser tab is able to recognize the viruses, and other times, no.

When you click on the tab, and the browser doesn’t recognize it’s a virus, then suddenly you’re in big trouble.

The virus will begin to take over the entire computers. It can track passwords, and send them to the person that’s controlling the virus, and it can steal or delete certain files. It can even power off the computer, and stop it from every working again!

So computer viruses are quite dangerous, but which do you think is more so? Computer virus? Or health virus?

Thanks for reading!

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