This is my movie report on the movie; “Chupa”:

There was a legend, in Mexico. People said that a creature called the Chupa-Cabras hunted goats, and sucked out their blood. A Scientist went to hunt for them, because their body parts could be used for thousands of medical things.

However, the legends were not true. They existed, yes, but were not the monsters that people said they were. They were winged creatures, able to fly, and run among the ground. They did not harm many people.

One day, a mother with a young one was being chased by the Scientist. The mother’s wing was injured, so she could not fly. She left the young one, and led the people off. But they got separated, and could not find one-another.

An old man found the young one, and brought it home. There, he cared for it, not wanting it to get hurt.

The old man’s grandson, Alex, lived in America. But one day, he went down to visit his grandfather, and two cousins that also lived there.

Things were very different. They lived in a small farm, in the middle of just nature. Alex rather liked it. He found his cousins strange, but fun.

One day, Alex found the young Chupacabra. He showed it to his cousins. They named him “Chupa”.

They were pleased to have him for a pet, and for many days, they enjoyed it.

One day, however, the Scientist came and stole Chupa. He took him away in his car. But Alex and his relatives stole the car, and drove Chupa back to the nature.

There, Chupa even saved Alex from falling off a cliff, but, before he could join his family waiting for him, the Scientist came again, to get Chupa. But Chupa’s family saved him, and, Chupa went away with his family; happily into the nature.

Alex went home to his mother in the USA, and, on the place home, he saw Chupa flying outside the window; happy; in the nature.

This was a good movie, but it talked way more about Alex that it did about the Chupas. I’d rate it 7.121/10.

Thanks for reading!

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