This is my movie report on the movie: “World War Z”:

Gerry was driving with his wife and two daughters one day in the streets, when suddenly people began to scream. Helicopters flew above, and people ran through the streets. Explosions were everywhere.

Suddenly, they could see people actually zombies! When a zombie bit zombie, they transformed into a zombie, and bit someone else as well!

Gerry and his family got out alive. They went to raid a shopping store to get supplies, but when they got back out, someone had stolen their car.

They went to an apartment building, and spent the night in another apartment. The next morning they barely managed to evade the zombies as they climbed to the roof. There, a helicopter came, and took them away.

They were brought to a military ship in the ocean. The people there needed Gerry to work with them to find the vaccine to the zombie bites. Gerry, who had been a U.N worker before, didn’t want to. He wanted to stay with his family. But the people warned him that, if he didn’t, his family would be kicked out to the zombies.

So he went. He flew to a country where the zombies had started – Vietnam – even though they were all over the world. There, he couldn’t figure it out! Why did the zombies begin? And how?

He went to Israel, where they had a giant wall to protect them against the zombies. There, he saw that the people were safe. For a minute. It was too loud there, and the zombies began piling up and over the wall, biting the people inside.

Gerry managed to get on a passenger plane that was leaving to a medical center; right where he wanted to go. However, halfway through the flight, a zombie in the back began attacking people.

Gerry through a bomb in the side of the plane. The plane crashed into the ground, but, though Gerry was injured, he survived.

He went the rest of the way to the medical research center. There, he wanted to test a theory. He’d seen the zombies ignoring sick people; only biting healthy people. Gerry wanted to inject himself with a disease, one that was curable, to see if the zombies would attack him.

But all the deadly diseases were on the other side of the research center. And that part was teaming with at least 80 zombies.

Gerry went. He almost got bitten many times, but at last he made it to the place where the medicines were. He had to inject himself there, because zombies were surrounding the place.

After a few hours, he left. The zombies completely ignored him – as if he weren’t there – and he made it back to the research center in safety.

He flew back to his family. They couldn’t stop the zombies in the world, but, with certain illnesses, they could camouflage themself. Maybe – just maybe – humanity would survive.

This was a good movie, but I didn’t like how it promoted vaccines in the end. And, how so many other people died, but Gerry managed to survive. I’d rate it 8.51/10.

Thanks for reading!

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